Auto Insurance in and around Berkley
Looking for great auto insurance around the Berkley area?
All roads lead to State Farm
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- Ferndale
- Royal Oak
- Troy
- Pleasant Ridge
- Southfield
- Huntington Woods
- Madison Heights
- Birmingham
- Bloomfield Hills
- Oak Park
- Rochester
- Rochester Hills
- Novi
- Warren
- Sterling Heights
- St. Clair Shores
- Clinton Township
- Eastpointe
- Grosse Pointe
You've Got Places To Be. Let Us Help!
You need an agent who is not only knowledgable in the field, but who is also caring and dependable. That's State Farm Agent Rick Stander! Berkley drivers choose Rick Stander for a protection plan aligned with their particular needs, from a top provider of auto insurance.
Looking for great auto insurance around the Berkley area?
All roads lead to State Farm
Protect Your Ride
Whether you're looking for dependable protection for your vehicle like emergency road service coverage, car rental and travel expenses coverage and uninsured motor vehicle coverage, or great savings options like the Good Driver Discount and Drive Safe & Save™, State Farm can help. State Farm agent Rick Stander can help you choose which particular options are right for you.
Don’t let unfortunate events lead you off course! Call or email State Farm Agent Rick Stander today and discover how you can save with State Farm auto insurance.
Have More Questions About Auto Insurance?
Call Rick at (248) 399-2242 or visit our FAQ page.
Simple Insights®
Safely share the road with large trucks
Safely share the road with large trucks
Driving near large trucks can be scary, but fear not. These tips can help you safely share the road with large trucks.
Cost of car insurance fraud
Cost of car insurance fraud
Car insurance fraud costs us all. Avoid becoming a victim. Spot common types of car fraud and help combat the issue.
Rick Stander
State Farm® Insurance AgentSimple Insights®
Safely share the road with large trucks
Safely share the road with large trucks
Driving near large trucks can be scary, but fear not. These tips can help you safely share the road with large trucks.
Cost of car insurance fraud
Cost of car insurance fraud
Car insurance fraud costs us all. Avoid becoming a victim. Spot common types of car fraud and help combat the issue.